Infinite Justice

About Us

About Us

A Small Charity has a big Impact

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Infinite Justice is a new charity aiming to help those who need help the most. We initially aim to help those local to our base in Slough, however with your help we have a dream of being able to provide global help to the infinite inequality that exists on our planet. We will be adding more information to this site continuously helping to raise awareness to you, the reader on how we aim to use your generous donations as a Non-Profit Charity.
Initially, amongst other aims we wish to be able to set up a means of cooking basic but essential hot meals to be supplied to our local community in Slough and surrounding areas.
In order to do this we need as much of your support as possible so please share the news of our existence with your Family, Friends, and others.
Suicides in 2023
0 +
Million Living in Poverty
Funds Raised So Far
£ 0 +

Be charitable to everyone but yourself

To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity.

We do believe our beloved planet is now close to its end in terms of its narural resources and as humans we are responsible for this as well as the uncomprehensable inequality that exists. This inequality exists at all levels from local to globally so we are all responsible to try to do what is morally right. We need to fix this inequality on our Earth, in our Nations, in our Communities and even in our own households
To do this we must start by thinking not of ourselves and the wants that we desire, but of the basic needs that Billions of people don’t have
Infinite-Justice aims to create innovative and fun ways to increase awareness of how unjust life is for so many people locally, nationally & internationally. We understand that the value of money has increased and will keep increasing with inflation, the global warming effect as well as many other factors. Throughout our website you will discover facts that may surprise you as the truth about how much inequality exists is hidden unless you dig deeper into the facts.
Planned for 2024 will be the launch of ‘Spilt Lyrics’, a new and unique fundraising platform that will open up a world of opportunity to anyone who wishes to add content on it. More details will be provided in late June 2024 so watch this space and join our newsletter to be one of the first to be able to spil some of your lyrics to the world.
2025 30-day Ramadan Run for the homeless. Our team is already planning for a challenging fundraising campaign which was originally due for Ramadan 2024 but will now be launched for Ramadan 2025. We want as many followers to join us for a fitness testing, health busting, money raising, musical adventure. Please add yourself to our newsletter to be the first to fill in our form to become a fundraising runner.

meet our team

Behind Our Successful Work

Chaudry Hassan Javed

Abid Zafar

Awais Khan

Divdeep Singh